Kindergarten Learning Targets:
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
- Respond in movement to a variety of stimuli (for example, music/sound, text, objects, images, symbols, observed dance).
- Explore different ways to do basic locomotor and nonlocomotor movements by changing at least one of the elements of dance.
- Improvise dance that has a beginning, middle, and end.
- Express an idea, feeling, or image through improvised movement moving alone or with a partner.
- Apply suggestions for changing movement through guided improvisational experiences.
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
- Make still and moving body shapes that show lines (for example, straight, bent, and curved), changes levels, and vary in size (large/small). Join with others to make a circle formation and work with others to change its dimensions.
- Demonstrate tempo contrast with movements that match the tempo of sound stimuli.
- Identify and apply different characteristics to movements (for example, slow, smooth, or wavy).
- Demonstrate same side and cross body locomotor and nonlocomotor movements, body patterning movements, and body shapes.
- Move safely in general space and start and stop on cue during activities, group formations, and creative explorations while maintaining personal space.
- Move body parts in relation to other body parts and repeat and recall movements upon request.
- Dance for and with others in a designated space.
- Select a prop to use as part of a dance.
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
- Find a movement that repeats in a dance.
- Demonstrate or describe observed or performed dance movements.
- Observe movement and describe it using simple dance terminology.
- Find a movement that was noticed in a dance. Demonstrate the movement that was noticed and explain why it attracted attention.
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
- Recognize and name an emotion that is experienced when watching, improvising, or performing dance and related it to a personal experience.
- Observe a work of visual art. Describe and then express through movement something of interest about the artwork and ask questions for discussion concerning the artwork.
- Describe or demonstrate the movements in a dance that was watched or performed.
1st Grade Learning Targets:
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
- Explore movement inspired by a variety of stimuli (for example, music/sound, text, objects, images, symbols, observed dance, experiences) and identify the source.
- Explore a variety of locomotor and nonlocomotor movements by experimenting with and changing the elements of dance.
- Improvise a series of movements that have a beginning, middle, and end, and describe movement choices.
- Explore suggestions to change movement from guided improvisation and/or short remembered sequences.
- Depict several different types of movements in a dance by drawing a picture or using a symbol (for example, jump, turn, slide, bend, reach)
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
- Demonstrate locomotor and nonlocomotor movements that change body shapes, levels, and facings. Move in straight, curved, and zigzag pathways. Find and return to place in space. Move with others to form straight lines and circles.
- Relate quick, moderate, and slow movements to duration in time. Recognize steady beat and move to varying tempi of steady beat.
- Demonstrate movement characteristics along with movement vocabulary (for example, use adverbs and adjectives that apply to movement such as a bouncy leap, a floppy fall, a jolly jump, and a joyful spin).
- Demonstrate a range of locomotor and nonlocomotor movements, body patterning, body shapes, and directionality.
- Move safely in general space through a range of activities and group formations while maintaining personal space.
- Modify movements and spatial arrangements upon request.
- Dance for others in a space where audience and performers occupy different areas.
- Explore the use of simple props to enhance performance.
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
- Find a movement that repeats in a dance to make a pattern.
- Demonstrate and perform observed and described dance movements from a specific genre or culture.
- Select movements from a dance that suggest ideas and explain how the movement captures the idea using simple dance terminology.
- Identify and demonstrate several movements in a dance that attract attention. Describe the characteristics that make the movements interesting and talk about why they were chosen.
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
- Find an experience expressed or portrayed in a dance that relates to a familiar experience. Identify the movements that communicate this experience.
- Observe illustrations from a story. Discuss observations and identify ideas for movement and demonstrate the big ideas of the story.
- Watch and/or perform a dance from a different culture and discuss or demonstrate the types of movements danced.
2nd Grade Learning Targets:
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
- Explore movement inspired by a variety of stimuli, for example, music/sound, text, objects, images, symbols, observed dance, and experiences, and suggest additional sources for movement ideas.
- Combine a variety of movements while manipulating the elements of dance.
- Improvise a dance phrase with a beginning, a middle that has a main idea, and a clear end.
- Choose movements that express a main idea or emotion, or follow a musical phrase. Explain reasons for movement choices.
- Explore suggestions and make choices to change movement from guided improvisation and/or short remembered sequences.
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
- Demonstrate clear directionality and intent when performing locomotor and nonlocomotor movements that change body shapes, facings, and pathways in space. Identify symmetrical and asymmetrical body shapes and examine relationships between body parts. Differentiate between circling and turning as two separate ways of continuous directional change.
- Identify the length of time a move or phrase takes (for example, whether it is long or short). Identify and move on the downbeat in duple and triple meter. Correlate metric phrasing with movement phrasing.
- Select and apply appropriate characteristics to movement (for example, selecting adjectives and adverbs and applying them to movements). Demonstrate kinesthetic awareness while dancing the movement characteristics.
- Demonstrate a range of locomotor and nonlocomotor movements and body patterning and dance sequences that require moving through space using a variety of pathways.
- Move safely in a variety of spatial relationships and formations with other dancers, sharing and maintaining personal space.
- Repeat movements with an awareness of self and others in space. Self-adjust and modify movements or placement upon request.
- Dance for and with others in space where audience and performers occupy different areas.
- Use limited production elements (for example, hand props, simple scenery, or media projections).
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
- Find movements in a dance that develop a pattern.
- Demonstrate and describe movements and dances from different genres or cultures.
- Use context cues from movement to identify meaning in a dance using simple dance terminology.
- Observe or demonstrate dances from a genre or culture. Discuss movements and other aspects of the dances that make the dances work well and explain why they work. Use simple dance terminology.
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
- Describe, create, and/or perform a dance that expresses personal meaning and explain how certain movements express this personal meaning.
- Respond to a dance work using an inquiry-based set of questions (for example, see, think, wonder). Create movement using ideas from responses and explain how certain movements express a specific idea.
- Observe a dance and relate the movement to the people or environment in which the dance was created and performed.
3rd Grade Learning Targets:
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
- Experiment with a variety of self-identified stimuli (for example, music/sound, text, objects, images, notation, observed dance, experiences) for movement.
- Explore a given movement problem. Select and demonstrate a solution.
- Identify and experiment with choreographic devices to create simple movement patterns and dance structures (for example, AB, ABA, theme and development).
- Develop a dance phrase that expresses and communicates an idea or feeling. Discuss the effect of the movement choices.
- Revise movement choices in response to feedback to improve a short dance study. Describe the differences the changes made in the movements.
- Depict directions or spatial pathways in a dance phrase by drawing a picture map or using a symbol.
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
- Judge spaces as distance traveled and use space three-dimensionally. Demonstrate shapes with positive and negative space. Perform movement sequences in and through space with intentionality and focus.
- Fulfill specified duration of time with improvised locomotor and nonlocomotor movements. Differentiate between “in time” and “out of time” to music. Perform movements that are the same or of a different time orientation to accompaniment. Use metric and kinesthetic phrasing.
- Change use of energy and dynamics by modifying movements and applying specific characteristics to heighten the effect of their intent.
- Replicate body shapes, movement characteristics, and movement patterns in a dance sequence with awareness of body alignment and core support.
- Adjust body-use to coordinate with a partner or other dancers to safely change levels, directions, and pathway designs.
- Recall movement sequences with a partner or in group dance activities. Apply constructive feedback from teacher and self check to improve dance skills.
- Identify the main areas of a performance space using production terminology (for example, stage right, stage left, center stage, upstage, and downstage).
- Explore simple production elements (costumes, props, music, scenery, lighting, or media) for a dance performed for an audience in a designated specific performance space.
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
- Find a movement pattern that creates a movement phrase in a dance work.
- Demonstrate and explain how one dance genre is different from another, or how one cultural movement practice is different from another.
- Select specific context cues from movement. Explain how they relate to the main idea of the dance using basic dance terminology.
- Select dance movements from specific genres, styles, or cultures. Identify characteristic movements from these dances and describe in basic dance terminology ways in which they are alike and different.
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
- Compare the relationships expressed in a dance to relationships with others. Explain how they are the same or different.
- Ask and research a question about a key aspect of a dance that communicates a perspective about an issue or event. Explore the key aspect through movement. Communicate the new learning in oral, written, or movement form.
- Find a relationship between movement in a dance from a culture, society, or community and the culture from which the dance is derived. Explain what the movements communicate about key aspects of the culture, society, or community.
4th Grade Learning Targets:
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
- Identify ideas for choreography generated from a variety of stimuli (for example, music/sound, text, objects, images, notation, observed dance, experiences).
- Develop a movement problem and manipulate the elements of dance as tools to find a solution.
- Manipulate or modify choreographic devices to expand movement possibilities and create a variety of movement patterns and structures. Discuss movement choices.
- Develop a dance study that expresses and communicates a main idea. Discuss the reasons and effectiveness of the movement choices.
- Revise movement based on peer feedback and self reflection to improve communication of artistic intent in a short dance study. Explain choices made in the process.
- Depict the relationships between two or more dancers in a dance phrase by drawing a picture or using symbols (for example, next to, above, below, behind, in front of).
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
- Make static and dynamic shapes with positive and negative space. Perform elevated shapes (jump shapes) with soft landings and movement sequences alone and with others, establishing relationships with other dancers through focus of eyes.
- Accompany other dancers using a variety of percussive instruments and sounds. Respond in movement to even and uneven rhythms. Recognize and respond to tempo changes as they occur in dance and music.
- Analyze movements and phrases for use of energy and dynamic changes and use adverbs and adjectives to describe them. Based on the analysis, refine the phrases by incorporating a range of movement characteristics.
- Demonstrate fundamental dance skills (for example, alignment, coordination, balance, core support, kinesthetic awareness) and movement qualities when replicating and recalling patterns and sequences of locomotor and nonlocomotor movements.
- Execute techniques that extend movement range, build strength, and develop endurance. Explain the relationship between execution of technique, safe body-use, and healthful nutrition.
- Coordinate phrases and timing with other dancers by cueing off each other and responding to stimuli cues (for example, music, text, or lighting). Reflect on feedback from others to inform personal dance performance goals.
- Consider how to establish a formal performance space from an informal setting (for example, gymnasium or grassy area).
- Identify, explore, and experiment with a variety of production elements to heighten the artistic intent and audience experience.
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
- Find patterns of movement in dance works that create a style or theme.
- Demonstrate and explain how dance styles differ within a genre or within a cultural movement practice.
- Relate movements, ideas, and context to decipher meaning in a dance using basic dance terminology.
- Discuss and demonstrate the characteristics that make a dance artistic and apply those characteristics to dances observed or performed in a specific genre, style, or cultural movement practice. Use basic dance terminology.
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
- Relate the main idea or content in a dance to other experiences. Explain how the main idea of a dance is similar to or different from one’s own experiences, relationships, ideas or perspectives.
- Develop and research a question relating to a topic of study in school using multiple sources of references. Select key aspects about the topic and choreograph movements that communicate the information. Discuss what was learned from creating the dance and describe how the topic might be communicated using another form of expression.
- Select and describe movements in a specific genre or style and explain how the movements relate to the culture, society, historical period, or community from which the dance originated.
5th Grade Learning Targets:
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
The learner will:
Learning Target #1
Learning Target #3
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
- Build content for choreography using several stimuli (for example, music/sound, text, objects, images, notation, observed dance, experiences, literary forms, natural phenomena, current news, social events).
- Construct and solve multiple movement problems to develop choreographic content.
- Manipulate or modify a variety of choreographic devices to expand choreographic possibilities and develop a main idea. Explain reasons for movement choices.
- Develop a dance study by selecting a specific movement vocabulary to communicate a main idea. Discuss how the dance communicates nonverbally.
- Explore through movement the feedback from others to expand choreographic possibilities for a short dance study that communicates artistic intent. Explain the movement choices and refinements.
- Record changes in a dance sequence through writing, symbols, or a form of media technology.
The learner will:
Learning Target #1
- Integrate static and dynamic shapes and floor and air pathways into dance sequences. Establish relationships with other dancers through focus of eyes and other body parts. Convert inward focus to outward focus for projecting out to far space.
- Dance to a variety of rhythms generated from internal and external sources. Perform movement phrases that show the ability to respond to changes in time.
- Contrast bound and free-flowing movements. Motivate movement from both central initiation (torso) and peripheral initiation (distal) and analyze the relationship between initiation and energy.
- Recall and execute a series of dance phrases using fundamental dance skills (for example, alignment, coordination, balance, core support, kinesthetic awareness, clarity of movement).
- Demonstrate safe body-use practices during technical exercises and movement combinations. Discuss how these practices, along with healthful eating habits, promote strength, flexibility, endurance and injury prevention.
- Collaborate with peer ensemble members to repeat sequences, synchronize actions, and refine spatial relationships to improve performance quality. Apply feedback from others to establish personal performance goals.
Learning Target #3
- Demonstrate the ability to adapt dance to alternative performance venues by modifying spacing and movements to the performance space.
- Identify, explore, and select production elements that heighten and intensify the artistic intent of a dance and are adaptable for various performance spaces.
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
- Find meaning or artistic intent from the patterns of movement in a dance work.
- Describe, using basic dance terminology, the qualities and characteristics of style used in a dance from one’s own cultural movement practice. Compare them to the qualities and characteristics of style found in a different dance genre, style, or cultural movement practice, also using basic dance terminology.
- Interpret meaning in a dance based on its movements. Explain how the movements communicate the main idea of the dance using basic dance terminology.
- Define the characteristics of dance that make a dance artistic and meaningful. Relate them to the elements of dance in genres, styles, or cultural movement practices. Use basic dance terminology to describe characteristics that make a dance artistic and meaningful.
The learner will:
Learning Target # 1
- Compare two dances with contrasting themes. Discuss feelings and ideas evoked by each. Describe how the themes and movements relate to points of view and experiences.
- Choose a topic, concept, or content from another discipline of study and research how other art forms have expressed the topic. Create a dance study that expresses the idea. Explain how the dance study expressed the idea and discuss how this learning process is similar to, or different from, other learning situations.
- Describe how the movement characteristics and qualities of a dance in a specific genre or style communicate the ideas and perspectives of the culture, historical period, or community from which the genre or style originated.